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>> Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Is it just me or does Pier 1 have the cutest holiday decorations of all time…
Is it just me or does Pier 1 have the cutest holiday decorations of all time…
Here we go! Bring on the sparkle, cookies, parties, Christmas music and egg nog!…truth be told I could live my life happily without egg nog, but it just felt right to say. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I spent my weekend completely stuffed and happily decorating my construction site…
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No tree? Not yet…but soon!
I always volunteer to bring the deviled eggs so that I can sneak one…or five…in the making.
Happy Turkey Day, ya’ll!
I’m definitely a morning person. Not a super early bird that tries to catch every worm at 4:00 am, but an early riser that can appreciate the healing power of a hot cup of coffee especially on a foggy day like today…
Every morning person’s dream, particularly when you gave yourself the day off. Unfortunately during my self-appointed days off, emails and to-do lists tempt me more than sitting around idly, but that’s perfectly alright since I have a foggy morning, breakfast and a half burnt Thymes Frasier Fur candle to keep me company. Don’t have one of these scented bad boys? Drop what you are doing and get your holiday started right! Warning: you may have to empty your firstborn’s college fund to afford one, but if this cheapskate endorses an over priced candle you know it’s worth it.
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Hope ya’ll have a fabulous Wednesday wrapping up the short work week and getting in gear for friends, family and football!
It’s almost here. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Just two days away from Thanksgiving, once that Turkey is digested bring on the glitter & gift wrap extravaganza!
Since I’m a real tree person, I don’t usually decorate until after Thanksgiving, but hauling my sparkling Christmas trinkets downs from the attic and petting each one with loving admiration never hurt anyone. Oh, my long lost friends…
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Thank goodness for the not-so-subtle reminder Cara 2009 left for Cara 2010. We don’t need a repeat of last year’s Christmas tree debacle…need a refresher? Click here to rehash the horror.
Prep Your Fireplace for the Cold | Before & After: Ottoman Update |
The Look for Less | Selling a Home for the Holidays |
Some of us work around here…
And clearly, some of us do not…
Have a great weekend ya’ll!
I am a strong believer that every brown thumb needs one of these guys hanging around…
Yes, a brother-in-law, just four blocks away to pop in and knock out all of your autumnal issues is a must…
Thanks, Oliver!
Remember the game plan for Kimberly’s furniture flip from a few weeks back?
Kimberly has been busy since we last got together to brainstorm over her dining table. Check out what she’s been up to…
Love the green, Kimberly, and I’m even more impressed by the drop cloth turned table runner that she was able to spruce up with a little paint. Great idea!
Nothing makes this girl happier than being a guest blogger. Maybe it’s because I can preach my home loving heart to other corners of the online world.
Here’s where you can find me…
AJW Design Co
At Home in Arkansas Magazine
Details Weddings & Events
Rambles with Reese
eHow: Before & After: Ottoman Update
eHow: Cozy Thanksgiving Entertaining
eHow: Create an Easy Outdoor Space
eHow: Designing on a Budget
eHow: Easy Fall Decor Ideas
eHow: Furniture Flipping
eHow: Halloween Color Inspiration
eHow: Hidden Gems at Thrift Store
eHow: Halloween Candle Decals
eHow: Home Checklist for Fall
eHow: Keeping Inspiration Organized
eHow: Prep Your Closet for Fall
eHow: Prep Your Fireplace for the Cold
eHow: Redesigned to Sell: Bathroom
eHow: Reupholster for a New Look
eHow: Revamp a Dated Light Fixture
eHow: Salvage an Old Mirror
eHow: Selling a Home for the Holidays
eHow: Spice Up Holiday Stockings
eHow: The Look for Less: Wall Art
eHow: Trash to Treasure: Mailbox Makeover
eHow: The Triple Holiday Wreath
Need a guest post for your own blog? I’m here to help! Whether you’re in the mood for a room redesign, the inside scoop on how to throw together an impressive furniture rehab or maybe you have another idea up your sleeve, just click here to shoot me an email and let me know what you have in mind.
Always on the hunt for wall art to warm up a few bare spaces of my own, I was thrilled to recently discover this duo while flipping through the pages of one of my favorite home magazines. A perfect pair oozing DIY potential…
…so I tucked them away in my trusty binder of ideas (and inspiration station of sorts) and carried on with my home-loving ways.
Until these guys fell into my lap during a recent thrifting adventure. Gold frames complete with 2” white mats and hideous sea shells prints? I smell potential at $4.00 a pop.
The shell prints easily slipped out of their frames and when flipped over, made the perfect canvas for my wall art knock-offs…
A little black paint and a few not-so-perfect circles…
Reframed and hanging gloriously in my master bedroom…
At just $8.00 start to finish, this knock off was a super simple (and super budget friendly!)Saturday project.
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