0 Good Read
>> Friday, October 29, 2010
Yesterday was my favorite day of the year. Not my birthday. Not a major holiday. Not the completion of my house-in-progress (no, no. Not even close). Yesterday was the first day this fall I flipped the thermostat from cool to heat. Ahhhhh, glorious coziness meant just for PJ pants, obnoxiously thick socks, hot tea and a good book. My read of choice? A DIY flea market/junk store coffee table book, of course!
This book worm of a gal has a rapidly growing collection of home inspired reads…
…but a recent find picked up at Anthropologie’s opening in Little Rock a few weeks back (we’ll save the glorious details of that day for another time) had been sitting uncracked for far too long.
This fabulous collection of inspirational goodness covers the entire spectrum of flea market fun…ideas for rehabbing furniture finds…experimenting with pattern & color…glass & ceramic goodies…lighting…and finally, putting it all together to make one funky (and totally original) room.
Take a peek and see what I mean…
Oh, dear. Now I have you drooling. Grab a tissue, your co-workers are starting to worry.
Happy Friday, ya’ll! Have a very happy (and safe) Halloween!