0 How-To: Arm Chair Rehab, Part 2
>> Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Alright! More on how we went from this tragedy…
…to this lovely little companion.
Last I left you, the arm chair had been completely rid of the filthy blue fabric from its originally sad condition.
As I confessed to you before, I don’t have a complete step by step how to for this project since it was mainly a let’s-wing-it-and-see-what-happens experiment. Bad Cara. I know. Moving on.
Once the chair was stripped to the bone, the next step was to add fresh new batting. Some of the original cushioning was in decent shape so I was able to reuse by covering with a thin layer of fresh batting. You can buy a decent sized roll in the fabric department of any craft store for around $10.00 or so.
After unrolling and cutting the batting to fit over the different sections of the chair, I secured the batting to the underside of the chair with a staple gun. The best part about this step is you really don’t have to worry too much about how neat the staples look. All you really need to be concerned with is that the batting lays smoothly…
Making a monster-sized mess seems to be a crucial part of the process…
Stuffed and ready for fabric!