2 Just a Thought
>> Thursday, March 31, 2011
Two things we all need a little more of in life.
Fresh flowers…
…and super secret hiding places so that no one can steal your bone.
Two things we all need a little more of in life.
Fresh flowers…
…and super secret hiding places so that no one can steal your bone.
Never mind the terribly deceptive chilly weather, friends. Springtime is here and I have major proof right here on my very own front porch…
Nestled snuggly in the top of my holiday-wreath-that-is-still-hanging-on-my-front-door-mid-March-thank-you-very-much is a quartet of lovely little bird eggs. An extra big thank you to a new friend/visitor that stopped by this morning for pointing out that I’m soon to be a proud Momma of four. I love them already.
Note to self: Whenever I start to beat myself up over the still-living-in-the-1960s state of my kitchen, flash back to the Willy Wonka wallpaper. Instant relief.
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It’s a proud day in the life of me. Some of you already know about my serious passion for before pictures, and a fortunate few of you have had to suffer through the live version of my gotta-take-before-pictures rant in action. One such lucky soul is my sister, Jessica.
After buying their first house last summer, Jessica and my brother-in-law have been hard at work. Painting, replacing sheetrock, installing hardwoods. Lots of fabulous opportunities for killer before & after shots…current status: lots of afters, not a single before. My skin was crawling and Jessica heard more than an earful.
I had just about given up on my own flesh and blood UNTIL I received a few happy text messages from my sister yesterday chock full of before & after shots of her most recent project. This lovely little bench.
Proof that nagging is indeed an effective way of getting exactly what you want.
I knew the day was coming, but I just didn’t think it would arrive so quickly. We lived together, rehabbed together, ordered takeout together, pretended to garden together. I mean, goodness, we even shared a nightstand for heaven’s sake.
And how do I repay you? I kick you to the curb for a smarter, skinnier version. Typical.
I find it hard to accept full responsibility for my junk addiction. I have an enabler and her name is Mom…
TO: carawilkerson@gmail.com
FROM: mom@momse-mail.com
SENT: Tue 3/22/2011 10:19 AM
SUBJECT: junk alert
Hola – just in case you’re feeling inspired…..there is a pile of weathered fence wood by Gran’s driveway….some 4 feet and some short 1 foot sections.
They took down the small privacy fence between the houses.
Also – there is chicken noodle soup in the fridge.
Dang. The woman knows I can’t resist a hot tip like that…
…or that.
The best part about this little blog-o-mine is it doubles as my own personal soapbox. While I’m not particularly vocal about religion or politics, you betcha I have an opinion or two when it comes to all things home.
Just ask any family member/friend/stranger-turned-friend who has ever sought out my amateur how-to advice and they will tell you, every helpful hint ends with a sermon from yours truly: Take before pictures! Do you hear me? I don’t care how messy your (insert space to be rehabbed) is. Do it…I don’t believe that you are going to do it. Go get your camera. Now. Take those stinkin’ before pictures.
It’s true. Not only am I a major nag but also your furniture rehab/home remodel guardian angel. You’ll thank yourself (and, ahem, me) for having proof of the dreadful before scene when friends are ooh-ing and ahh-ing over your progress.
Take for example, this guy. One of my earliest rehabs and I don’t have even a smidge of a before shot. I liken myself to a careless mother without baby pictures of her first born.
Truth be told, I was shivering in my snow boots about how my yard would handle the winter months. Now that spring is almost in full swing, it’s time to face the facts. What pulled through, what didn’t…whether due to wintry conditions or lack of owner attention (oops), time to face the music with a backyard report card.
Note to the reader: Before we dive head first into this horticultural evaluation, let’s revisit one very important LTHL lesson. No part of my thumb is green. My name does not start with a P, nor does it end with an Allen Smith.
Some sort of bushes snagged on a whim from Home Depot. True confession, they were hardly ever watered during the summer and morphed into a bundle of naked twigs by the end of August. I thought they were goners, but alas they are back for more.
Grade: B+ for endurance and the electric green leaves just make me happy
I didn’t expect any herbs to hang around until this Spring. Google tells me this hardly ever happens except for rosemary & mint, both of which are still hanging in there. Rosemary hung in there all winter and a few small sprigs of mint (see cat’s leg below) are popping onto the scene.
Grade: C only because now I’m required to plant new herbs each year and attempt to assist in their survival.
The beauty of hosta lilies is they come back year after year. No matter how cruel you are to them, they’ll stick around. Already creeping up in the front flower bed, I’m super excited to see them in their full glory.
Grade: A for self starters. No micromanaging needed.
A brick house with a concrete porch just doesn’t scream fun, so last year I threw a hosta lily into a ceramic planter in an attempt to add a little color. A few dead leaves can still be found, but the planter sits patiently awaiting a new friend.
Grade: D only because that’s one of the saddest pictures I’ve posted yet and I’m slightly mortified this dead pot was left on display all winter.
I was worried about these little monkey-grassish guys—which is obviously the Latin name for this plant species. Planted last spring, they stayed in a pretty scrawny state until cooler temps came into play. Silly me assumed all plants prefer to hold of on growth spurts until Spring.
Grade: A because I love surprises and these guys definitely have a few tricks up their sleeves.
My camellia bush is blooming! Enough said.
Grade: A+ and extra credit from the penny pincher in me since I now have several weeks of free flowers.
What: $15 arm chair undergoing a major facelift
Where: My in-house operating room
When: This morning
Why: Show of hands if you are seriously disturbed by the mess…my fingers are touching the ceiling.
I have a sick obsession with junk, but if you’ve been here once or twice, that’s old news by now. Case in point: this guy smuggled from my parents’ trash can over the weekend. To be honest, I was shocked that my mom/giver-of-all-junk-obsessed-genes would let this one go, so I grabbed it and ran before she could change her mind…
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Creaky and ancient and disgustingly perfect. Naturally this guy is now perched in my dining room…
Because nothing says appetite quite like a 50 year old crawlspace door.
Congratulations to the Holley’s on the sale of their home!
Happy weekend, y’all! It will be a pretty one in this neck of the woods. Do your best to behave.
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