Back at it in the kitchen! You only thought you were free of my floor reno ramblings.
Last I left you, the tiles were freshly grouted, but one huge eyesore was keeping this floor from the finish line. Time to add quarter round along the edge of the baseboards.

While I’ve heard rumors of some installing quarter round with a good old fashioned hammer and nail, a brad nailer and air compressor knocks this project out in practically no time. I found this 2” brad nailer on Amazon for around $40 and it has worked like a charm for my simple purposes.

I was lucky enough to have a hand-me-down air compressor given to me a couple of years ago…
…and the miter saw that I picked up as a little happy birthday gift for myself a few years ago.
On to the cutting. I started in this corner where the laundry room door ends and cabinets begin. I had to add a small piece of new base trim before I could get started with the quarter round since my door demo got a little out of hand.
I cut the quarter round at 45 degree angles where they met at the corner. The edge of the quarter round that ended where the door trim began, I cut at a 22.5 degree angle. Why 22.5? I seem to remember a DIY quarter round YouTube video that told me to do this, so I went with it. I’ve also seem tons of homes with quarter round cut straight at the edges.
A few pops with the brad nailer and these babies were secure.

Next on the agenda: wood filler, caulk and PLENTY of paint.