3 Thrifty Finds: Chevron pillow covers

>> Monday, February 11, 2013

When Michael moved in last fall and I started man-ifying then den for him (missed that mini makeover? Click here to play catch up), two things happened: 1. we found compromise with the whole mounting-a-deer-head-on-the-wall issue and 2. the front living room began to inch closer to girl-land.

Without much thought, I started picking up girly finds. A floral scented candle here. A pretty coffee table book there. All of which somehow found their perfect resting spot in the living room.

Now, when I happened upon pink and cream chevron throw pillow covers at Hobby Lobby for only $6.99, there were no words. They had to be mine. I know some over you are soooo over chevron, but I’m still onboard that train—catch them on a half off sale week and just you try not to pass out from excitement. These beauties (and their handsome buttoned up friend) were destined for my girlier-by-the-minute living room.


In case you gals are thinking to yourself  “my boyfriend/husband would never go for such a girl-centric pillow cover on his couch”, Michael is actually a big fan of the new red and white pillows in the living room. The boy may be colorblind, but I’m cool with it if it means the pink pillows are safe.

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Photo Feb 11, 6 53 11 PM


Unknown February 11, 2013 at 8:17 PM  

I had NO idea they had pillow covers. I will be checking those out for SURE. Love yours!

granite countertops somerset county December 5, 2013 at 4:53 PM  

Pretty pillow covers, they can add a layer of protection and designs as well.

Empresa Qualy Art Pintura residencial August 2, 2018 at 4:27 PM  

Um blog que nos inspira em todos os projetos de nossa empresa de pintura e pintura residencial.

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